The Anunnaki are considered divine beings who descended from the sky. They are believed to be the first living creatures to step foot on Earth. Some historians claim that these beings created humanity, while others suggest that they played a role in shaping our belief systems. So, who are the Anunnaki? Where did they come from, and how did they become significant figures in human history?
Erich Von Däniken and the Ancient Astronaut Theory
In 1968, researcher and author Erich Von Däniken published his book Chariots of the Gods. This book marked the beginning of a new era in popular culture. Däniken explained that civilizations around the world were mysteriously linked by similar symbolism and mythologies. These claims gave rise to the ancient astronaut theory, which has since become a common part of the public discourse.
The Ancient Astronaut Theory and Its Claims
According to the ancient astronaut theory, our planet has been visited by alien beings. These beings are believed to have instructed humanity to build impossible structures during the early periods of human history. Structures like the Egyptian Pyramids cannot be explained by the mathematical knowledge available at the time. Similar stonework and creation myths found in different parts of the world are presented as evidence of this theory.
Zecharia Sitchin and the 12th Planet
Inspired by this theory, researcher Zecharia Sitchin wrote The 12th Planet in 1976. In this book, he made many claims regarding the Anunnaki and their story. However, there is a flaw in Sitchin’s claims: his research is filled with his own interpretations. These speculative gaps were later presented as facts.
The Emergence of the Anunnaki and the Sumerians
In this content, we will examine the story of the Anunnaki through historical texts and ancient myths. Our first stop is the Sumerian civilization, which emerged around 4500 BCE. The Sumerians were the first civilization to use sciences such as writing, astronomy, and mathematics. The first human rights laws and the concept of the library also came into existence with this civilization.
The Creation Process of the Anunnaki
The term Anunnaki literally means “descendants of the heavenly king.” However, there is no definitive information about when or why these beings came to Earth. While Sitchin claims that the Anunnaki arrived on Earth 400,000 years ago, this remains an unsupported claim. The Enuma Elish epic provides information about the gods’ war and the formation of the Earth. It is suggested that the Anunnaki were tasked with establishing the order of the world.
Sumerian Tablets and the Creation of Humanity
In the late 19th century, archaeologists followed the traces of Sumerian cities. Numerous tablets were found in the regions of Nippur and Ur. The Enki and Ninmah texts revealed surprising details about the creation of humanity. While modern Abrahamic religions describe humans as the most beautiful of God’s creations, the Quran states that humans were sent as caliphs.
The Role and Rebellions of the Igigi
When the Anunnaki arrived on the planet, there were already the Igigi, who were tasked with serving the Anunnaki by performing tasks such as building temples. However, the intense work pace led to their rebellion. In response, Enki began creative work to address this problem. The initial attempts failed but eventually, a mixture of the gods’ blood and other substances resulted in the creation of Adapa.
The Learning Process of Humans and the Ziggurats
Adapa was greatly loved by Enki, who provided him with knowledge of subjects like agriculture and science. This story parallels the creation of Adam in the Quran. Humans, under the dominion of the gods, began to serve them with respect. Ziggurats were built as homes for the gods.
The Anunnaki’s Need for Gold Mines
The Anunnaki’s desire for gold is significant. Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki used this metal to repair their atmosphere, but this theory has not been proven. Gold was considered a divine metal in ancient civilizations.
Mythological Figures and Human Emotions
While the Anunnaki are seen as mythological figures, they are also attributed human characteristics. The Sumerians regarded these beings as divine powers, but they too had basic needs. Myths describe them as experiencing emotions such as love and jealousy.
The Worship of Gods by Humans
Humans have always ascribed divine meanings to events they could not explain. Events during World War II serve as an example of this. The first humans, upon encountering beings from space, began to worship them. Over time, humans began to see themselves as divine beings.
The Flood and Utnapishtim
Enlil, displeased by the irreverence of humans, gave no warning about the Flood. However, Enki, loyal to humanity, approached Ziusudra and warned him to build an ark. This event marks the beginning of the second life era for the gods and humans.
The Book of Enoch and the Flood
According to the Book of Enoch, the Flood is described as follows: Humans, who learned science and civilization by cooperating with fallen angels, angered the Creator. In the Creator’s view, humanity’s only task was obedience, not divinity. Thus, the Creator sends the Flood to destroy both the giants (Nephilim) born from the relationship between the fallen angels and humans, and the humans themselves, bringing an end to all living things.
The Biblical Account
In the Bible, the story is presented as follows: Celestial beings take interest in human women. These beings are called Elohim in the Bible, which is the plural form of Eloah, meaning “gods,” “mighty ones,” or “shining ones,” referring to a group. Yahweh is the supreme deity over the Elohim. The Elohim have relations with human women, and Nephilim are born, whom the Bible calls giants. God, displeased with the humans He created, sends the Flood to wipe them out. However, He warns Noah, whom He is pleased with, to build an ark to save his family and the animals. When the ark is completed, the Flood comes, engulfing everything for 40 days. Finally, the ark comes to rest on a mountain. Noah releases birds, and when they do not return, he realizes the Flood has ended. He disembarks and sacrifices animals to God, who is pleased with the offering and vows never to curse the Earth again, for the inclination of human hearts is evil from youth.
The Quranic Account
In the Quran, the story is summarized in about seven surahs and 20 verses. Allah sends Noah as a messenger to a people who have become corrupted and ceased to obey. Allah informs Noah that He will destroy them with a flood and commands him to build an ark. The verse says, “Thus, We instructed him to build a sturdy and skillful ark under Our watch and guidance.” After the designated individuals and animals board the ark, waters of such magnitude that they could engulf mountains wipe everything away, and humanity begins anew. The Quran presents the event in a simple form, removing much of the symbolic detail found in earlier scriptures. The main motif is the same as in the Sumerian texts: Allah, angry with humanity, decides to destroy them, but warns Noah, His chosen servant.
The Origin of Creation
The Sumerian epics provide the following account of creation: In the beginning, there was an endless sea called Nammu. From this sea, a colossal mountain is formed. Enlil divides the mountain, with the upper part becoming the heavens and the lower part becoming the Earth. The gods of the heavens and the earth adorn the land with plants, trees, and waters. Then, animals are created, and finally, the Anunnaki, gods to rule over all. A similar description appears in the Book of Genesis: “The Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. God said, ‘Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters to separate the waters from the waters.'”
Creation of Humankind
Regarding the creation of humanity, we have learned the details of human creation in Sumerian myths. In summary, humans are a type of servant created by the Anunnaki, beings who came from the sky, to perform tasks. Let’s look at how this event is described in Abrahamic religions: “Your Lord is the one who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself upon the Throne.” Pay attention to the word “Throne” here; it does not mean the highest layer of the sky, but refers to the king’s seat. In many translations, this is persistently described as “the highest layer of the sky,” but in the Quran, it is presented as God sitting on a royal throne. Let us dive deeper into this. The Throne, while resting on the water, is the place where the Creator, after creating the heavens and the earth in six days, settles. Similarly, in the Torah, it is said that creation lasted for six days, and on the seventh day, God rested. Notice that both the Quran and the Torah emphasize the concept of creation over six days.
Sumerian Myths and Abrahamic Religions
If you’re wondering why God doesn’t simply say “Be” and create everything instantly but instead waits for six days, the answer to this question can be found in Sumerian texts. According to the existing data, when we examine various Sumerian creation tablets, we encounter six main stages of creation: First, the formation of order from primordial chaos; second, the creation of the gods; third, the separation of heaven and earth; fourth, the shaping of the world; fifth, the creation of life; and sixth, the creation of humans. This information forms the basis of the concept of six days of creation found in Abrahamic religions.
Depth of Concepts
Let us take a closer look at the creation of humankind. Returning to the concept of clay and the information that humans were created in the likeness of the Anunnaki: “We have certainly created man from clay, from molded mud.” “The Lord God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.” “After creating the heavens, the earth, the stars, the plants, and the animals, God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air.’ So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” “My Lord said to the angels, ‘I am creating a human from clay, and when I have shaped him and breathed My spirit into him, then fall down in prostration to him.’ God said, ‘O Iblis, what prevents you from prostrating to that which I have created with My two hands? Was it pride, or are you one of the exalted?'” These descriptions are in line with the narratives found in Sumerian texts. While the Sumerians say that these beings were flesh-and-blood creatures, both the Torah and the Quran echo the same information found in Sumerian texts.
Evolution of the Divine Figure
Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory argue that the figure of God in modern religions is an attempt to combine the contrasting characteristics of figures such as Enki and Enlil under a single entity. The similarity between some key creative concepts in the scriptures of Abrahamic religions and the Anunnaki is not limited to the texts. When we look at symbolic concepts and worship practices, we see that religions were influenced by the Sumerians.
When we look at all these pieces of information, reflecting on the origins of humanity and studying ancient texts can help us understand the origins of many beliefs and stories.
Tablet Texts and the Rule of Kings
The tablet text provides significant information about the pre-Flood period: “After the kingdom descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. In Eridu, Alulim became king and ruled for 28,800 years.” This text details the names of ten kings who ruled in various cities and the duration of their reigns before the Flood. It states that these dynasties perished with the Flood. After the Flood, the text mentions that 23 kings ruled for a total of 24,510 years between lines 40 and 256 of the tablet. What stands out here is that both the lifespans and the lengths of the reigns of these kings gradually decreased. As a result, thoughts arise about how these events are connected to the present day.
The Historical Depth of the Flood
The phenomenon of the Flood may have an ancient history beyond what we imagine. Additionally, the possibility that humanity may have experienced multiple floods within a 250,000-year span raises questions. We cannot know for certain how far back the times when humans or half-humans ruled extend. Zecharia Sitchin claimed that this process stretches back to around 400,000 BC. After his death, some scientific studies suggested that Homo sapiens emerged during this period. This presents a complex view of human history. While new information continues to emerge supporting this scenario, detailed research and transparency in sharing these findings remain limited.
The Divine Right to Rule
The concept of governance over tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of years has led to the birth of the divine right to rule in known history. After the Anunnaki, we see that Pharaohs, by covering themselves with gold dust, claimed they were of divine ancestry. This indicates the existence of individuals who believed they came from divine lineage and considered themselves superior to ordinary humans. This concept played a crucial role in the birth of monarchy. In fact, this belief became so ingrained that incestuous relationships were prohibited in monarchies.
European Kingdoms and Kinship
As an example, we can observe a similar situation in European monarchies. Since 1700, much of the European monarchy, from the Spanish dynasty to the English and Danish thrones and even Russia, is interrelated. Marriages consistently take place within these royal families. For example, Queen Victoria of England was a relative of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Over time, these interwoven relationships have become increasingly complex.
Sacred Lineage and Symbols
One of the primary reasons for such marriages is the effort to preserve the sacred lineage. From a symbolic perspective, this divine lineage is referred to as “blue blood,” while people symbolized by “red blood” are seen as inferior. The intersection of blue and red represents the hybrid of gods and humans, which is related to the Nephilim lineage mentioned in the Torah and the Book of Enoch. As previously discussed, the use of these colors in flags, police lights, and superhero uniforms in comic books symbolically carries the message “obey this lineage, they are powerful.”
Thoughts on History and Belief
The world is indeed a strange planet. Despite almost having no knowledge about our history, beliefs, and origins, we think we know everything. Even a simple investigation can lead to profound conclusions. This is a great mystery, an enigma; it is impossible for one person to solve it. For years, we have believed that the Creator intervenes in everything. However, why would the Creator interfere with the order He created? Did He give us free will and the right to choose for nothing? If He were to intervene in every step we take, it would turn Him into a ruler, leading us back to the belief in the Anunnaki.
Free Will and Responsibility
If no intervening being existed throughout history, the world would not be as it is. People still speak the same words when oppressors crush the innocent. We are currently witnessing how tyrants are tormenting the innocent in various parts of the world, yet nothing changes. In a world created with free will, God has given people minds; use them, improve yourselves, unite, choose moral leaders, raise generations who look after the future, advance in science and technology. Only then will you not remain trapped in an oppressive system.
If you are a believer, seek the true Creator beyond these symbolic concepts. Even if the idea that the Anunnaki created humans is accepted, or even if we assume that all religions and books have their origins in these figures, why should this affect your belief? They too must have a Creator, and this universe, everything, must have a source.